First Things First

I want to start out by saying that I am writing under a fake name, or a pseudonym. A lot of the people that are in my story have grown with time and their business, is well…. their business. Also, this will be a raw and real look at my life and i feel it will be easier for me to not sugar coat things. Plus I’m not current with the legal aspect of airing out other peoples dirty laundry. Honesty is a big deal for me. If you want to grow or fix things you have to be honest. So I want to be up front that all the names you see are made up. The experiences, however, are very real and helped to mold me into who I am today. Keep in mind that these things are from my point of view or things that have been told to me since I don’t remember very much of my early years, and we all know how point of views are!

If you have any questions or feel led to reach out to me feel free to do so by emailing Please keep in mind that it’s just little old me and I might not see your email and to not be offended. As of now I have nobody working for me and I am my own editor. LOL that is a scary thought right there. I rarely proofread a text before i hit send. Big regrets right there!

So let me introduce myself, tell you a little about me and then we will start at the beginning. The name I will be going by is Abigail Fritz. Had I ever birthed a daughter I would have named her Abigail, and Fritz because sometimes my life is on the Fritz. If you can’t tell I have a great sense of humor. At least I think I do and I make myself giggle quite frequently. I think humor is important. Especially when the days are dark. I am 38 years old and let me tell you, the 30’s are so much better than the 20’s. I really hope I feel the same about the 40’s. I am a mom, a wife, owner/operator of my own business, and most importantly I am a lover of God! He got me through the darkness that was and He gets me through the darkness that is. I really hope that you have experienced the healing power of Jesus! If you haven’t yet, it’s not too late. Don’t be discourged when it doesn’t happen right away. Sometimes it does, but in my life it happens over the course of time. Anything worth having takes work so don’t give up! I struggle with mental illness, depression, thoughts of suicide so if you are down please make sure you are doing things that build you up rather than tear you down. Check yourself and your relationships. The Bible instructs us to “hold every thought captive” because God loves us and if we are having bad thoughts we need to recognize it and throw them out! “As a man thinketh so is he” so if you are always thinking bad about yourself well…. I’m one who tends to learn things the hard way so rest assured I speak from experience.

That”s enough for now, but in the next day or so I will begin to tell you the story of me. Hope you find this blog as theraputic as I intend to!

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